You hear it all the time, "You are the face of your business", and "people buy from people", and it's absolutely true, you are and they do. But I know this puts the fear of god into a lot of people. It used to do that to me (kind of still does). The thought of showing my face on social media sent me into a cold sweat.
I am an introvert and putting myself out there for the world to see is not what I signed up for when I started my cake business.

Im happy just making cakes and putting pretty pictures onto social media. Are you the same?
Do you NEED to show your face on your social media pages?
The short answer is yes. But it's not as scary as you think. And you certainly don't need to be making silly dancing videos, or trying to be cool (unless you are cool?, I don't fall into that category 😂)
I think I post a photo of my face about once every 2 months. And it's not a new picture every time, it's a photo I took back in 2021 and I just use it over and over again. And you know what? It hasn't hurt my cake business at all. I still get enough orders for what I want. This year I have 43 wedding cakes booked in. Thats enough for me.
But everyone does these videos of pointing and stuff!
Yes I see them everywhere too. But thats fine for them, they enjoy that, I dont. And so I wont be putting myself through the stress of that. I show up in my cake business how I want to, not how social media gurus tell me I should. Its your business, so its your rules!
What about stories?
Stories are different. Stories are more personal and so the odd photo of you going about your day works really well. And if you feel comfortable filming yourself then this is the place to do it. After all, the stories are gone in 24hours so why not just stick something up there. It's gone before you know it.
My two cents
My thoughts on showing yourself on social media probably dont match the thoughts of others, and thats fine, we are all different. What I do works for me, and im pretty sure if you struggle with showing up then it will work for you too!
Customers love pretty pictures of cakes so keep posting them! Just remember to pop the odd photo of you up there every now and again.
Leave me a comment below and let me know if you struggle to show your face on social media. Or do you have no issues at all?